Success Stories

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

“I had been working with personal trainer for 2 1/2 months when I saw this product. During that time I had not lost even 1 lb. I was discouraged needless to say. My 19 year old daughter was in the same boat. When I saw this product I wanted to try it for my daughter and I. After trying it for just a short time the weight was coming off for both of us. After 8 weeks on the product I am down 18 lbs. and she is down 13. I love it and can't help not sharing it with everyone. I had hoped that through doing the business I could make enough money to off set the cost of the product for my daughter and I. I now have my husband and another daughter using it and am making enough to fund it for all of us and more. I love to give free samples away so people can try it and experience it for themselves. I would say 90% of them have come back and ordered product from me.

As I have watched my business begin to explode and far exceed what I had hoped for, I see so many other blessing that can now be realized because of this business. This has to be the best job in the whole world. I wake up every morning excited to get on the scales and to start sharing this with others and working on my business!”

-Debbie Breinholt


“I have struggled with my weight my entire life. I am done with it! Fixx and Form are the answer I have been looking for. Most of us can relate to being emotional eaters and that I am... No matter how I am feeling, I eat! Since starting on Form and Fixx I have lost 8 lbs.. I am excited and motivated! My business is growing and I am thrilled that OTHERS are experiencing such amazing results too!”

-Dawn Allen


"I began my childhood in poverty with only the advice of work hard and it'll be alright. I lived by that advice and worked my way up the economic ladder to a six figure income by the time I was 34 years old. All the while depending completely on my own effort, energy & time. The lesson that I would have to learn is that all it takes is for one change at your job to ruin everything. With one change I lost my house, two Cadillacs, my savings, my credit and my self respect. So when you ask why I chose to get involved with an opportunity like this, the answer is simple. When you've decided to put your economic world solely on your own shoulders, life will ultimately put out its foot and trip you. But if you've learned the power of leverage and creating a residual income. You could have thousands of people to keep you from ever hitting the ground, just as you're there to help protect others and share the weight of their load.”

-Red Smith


Why Me? Why This? Why Now?

“Well why Me? I have struggled with weight the last twelve years, while having 5 little girls. The most important job that I have
is to stay at home, and be a wife and mother. As many in this economy, we are struggling to put food on the table, and gas in our cars! I won't compromise my position as a stay at home mom to accommodate rising costs, and leave our home.

Why This? Well the blessing was simply placed in my lap and I took it! The product is safe so I went for it. To have the ability to help people gain control of eating habits, create opportunity for self esteem, and be the example of health to an overweight generation is priceless.

Why Now? There is a time and a season for everything. This is the time to gain control of weight issues. This is the time where someone very smart invented an amazing safe tool to aid in a generation that is in crisis! It is about time that we attack weight issues with the mind, and start creating decisive eating habits that will take us through a whole life time.

The opportunity to do this business enables me to stay at home and be a mom and wife! I can't explain the peace I have knowing that I am literally changing hundreds of peoples lives, if not thousands! The fact that I get paid to do it is simply icing on the cake...
When I wake up in the morning I ask the question who will I help today? Who will I change forever?
I told my husband it can't be right to have so much joy while working? He just wishes he was as lucky?”

-Chariti Smith


"How I got started in MyO3World. It actually was by accident. A friend of mine had heard that I might be interested in MLM businesses. I actually had just gotten involved in a new one and he asked me to stop by his place and take a look at something new that I might be interested in. I am a very open-minded person and am willing to listen to anything, but it has to be the right product in order for me to work with it.

When I saw the product, I loved it but obviously I was skeptical. I told him, that I have to try it before I can even think about selling it. Well, lo and behold in a matter of 1 day I was convinced. I thought, whoever invented this pill, is a genius. Why didn't they come up with this a long time ago? I am hesitant about taking diet pills because the ingredients usually make me hyper and feel like I am climbing the walls. There is nothing in this pill that does that and that makes me love it even more.

To make a long story short, I basically dropped everything with that other MLM that I had gotten involved with and went full power on FORM. I went on vacation in the end of July to visit my mom and while on vacation I dropped 5 lbs., amazing. My mom wouldn't have believed it if she didn't see it with her own eyes. Also while on vacation, everyone I told about this pill, signed up. I guess it is true when they say, "seeing is believing".

As far as the business end of it. The best compensation plan I have ever seen. I have never made so much money within the first month of a business in an MLM. The timing is everything. The fact that I got involved in this now, when the company is just starting is the luckiest thing I could have asked for. I have always dreamed of getting in on a new company right from the get go. The product pretty much sells itself, so it is a no brainer.
I love this business and in the process I have met some fantastic people. I enjoy helping the new people that join and helping them change their financial situations to a better one is what makes it so rewarding.

In closing, I just want to say, that it has never happened before that my husband has ever worked with me in an MLM and when he saw this product and the compensation plan he went wild. He has not stopped promoting this since day one and we go to all of our presentations together. He is so supportive and we are loving the time we have together in this business.

God Bless you and God Bless MyO3World."

- Naomi Mucha